Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Credit card bills have you down???

Credit card bills have you down???

Debt Management programs are designed to get you out of debt up to 75% faster by reducing, and in a lot of cases completely eliminating the interest rates on your debt. This way, most of your money goes to paying down your principle instead of the interest. Have you ever noticed how little of your payments actually goes toward the principle? Did you know, when only paying your minimums, it takes approximately 6 years for every $3000 you're in debt to eliminate the balance?
When done properly consolidating your debts has no negative impact on your credit score because it reduces your debt to income ratio and is not viewed as a hardship program like Debt Negotiation or Bankruptcy.
Interest rate reduction programs were created by the creditors to recapture principle that would otherwise be at risk due to Bankruptcy or Debt Negotiation. People like you can take advantage of them without hurting your credit while significantly improving your financial situation. This way the creditors can recapture 100% of their principle and you can get out of debt a lot faster. Does this sound like what you are looking for?

Call now for your free financial analysis!!

Anthony J. Hood
Equity Investment Capital

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